Inventory is bought either programmatically, media buy or in some cases using network channels, More than 30 available Suppliers. Global frequency control on your audience and 100% qualitative and quantitative inventory
For several ad campaigns, use alternative ad formats, ad units, and banner ad sizes. Using a programmatic platform, you may customise how banner advertising are presented on websites. Tune the performance of your online banner advertising to get the maximum click-through rate and engagement. Make banner adverts on the internet work for you.
We understand how important transparency is to your brand and your piece of mind. We take every step possible to ensure you have full visibility into where your ads run, and more importantly, where they don’t Curated Inventory to ensure accuracy
We take brand safety very seriously Transparency in campaign placement is one thing, but taking precautionary measures to ensure your ad is never placed next to, or within, inappropriate content is one of our highest priorities.
Advolt’s Ad Engine uses advanced audience segmentation and filters to send Ad exactly to the users aimed to access. The days of sifting through high volumes of unwanted ad calls, irrelevant users, and incurring high server, are gone.
AdVolt Ad Formats support all large and small screens. Be it Mobile, Desktop or Tab, all our ads are relayed distortion free